Tech Talk Live! is a new, live web series featuring Chris Crump, Senior Director of Sales & Marketing for Comrex, as host. We’re excited to regularly share tech tidbits, unfamiliar product features, some of the inner workings of the industry, and more. Read the full press release.

This episode of Tech Talk Live! streamed on Friday, Apr. 26th, 2024 at 11am EDT and included:

  • Paul Cintolo with Comrex tech support walking through a manual CrossLock connection
  • Chris Crump and Paul discussing issues with hotel WiFi
  • Tom Hartnett, technical director of Comrex, chatting about Gagl + Hotline
  • Paul Shullins sharing his passion for astrophotography and talking about the eclipse

Watch the full episode below.

The next Tech Talk Live! episode is Wednesday, May 29th at 11AM EDT!

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow our Facebook / LinkedIn pages to catch it live and to watch past episodes.

Supplementary info for this episode:

More info on CrossLock can be found here.

Contact Comrex tech support. Our techies are available during our business hours to assist you.

Learn more about Gagl + Hotline here.

Have a topic that you’d like covered in a future TTL! episode? Email