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Press Kit
Mar 05

ACCESS Delivers College Sports

Kevin Collins, an independent broadcast engineer and sports announcer, uses ACCESS IP audio codecs for live sports coverage at every level.

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Jun 17

Application Focus: Faith & Worship

Religious broadcasters put their faith in Comrex for their live audio and video needs. See how they use our IP codecs and more to worship!

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May 08

Candelaria Broadcasts from Home with Opal

In order to continue transmitting excellent audio to its listeners during the pandemic, Candelaria uses Opal to remotely produce programming.

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Feb 18

LiveShot Provides Low Latency, High Quality for TheBlaze

TheBlaze uses LiveShot to provide bidirectional video over the public internet, employing multiple for live transmission.

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May 04

Keeping Neumann University Connected With “Coronacasts”

When Neumann University shut down due to COVID-19, station manager Sean McDonald wanted to find a way to keep students connected.

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May 13

When Everything Stops, Radio and Television Continue

Here’s how some Comrex customers are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic and broadcasting from home using our IP-based solutions.

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Apr 27

Bonneville Sacramento Builds Remote Broadcast Kits for Pandemic

Jason Ornellas, Director of Engineering for Bonneville Sacramento, adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic by building remote broadcast kits. See what makes up his turnkey solution for home studios.

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Apr 01

Application Focus: Broadcasting from Home

More and more broadcasters need to work remotely and broadcast reliably. We have solutions that can help you get the job done.

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Jan 23

Broadcasting Experts Connect to Clients Easily with Opal

Broadcasting Experts is a production house that uses Opal so clients can provide remote audio in a simple way that doesn’t sacrifice quality.

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Aug 15

Broadcasting from the Bahamas with ACCESS and CrossLock

iHeartMedia uses ACCESS for live audio from remote locations and CrossLock for reliable broadcast transmission.

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