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Press Kit
Nov 04

BRIC-Link for Your Home Studio

Download this free guide for radio show hosts, voice-over artists, and other professional talent to learn how BRIC-Link can improve the audio quality from your home studio.

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May 15

Making the Transition from ISDN to IP

Download this primer to learn how IP audio codecs can provide beyond ISDN-like reliability, quality and low-delay without the cost and circuit limitations.

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May 02

Professional IP Audio Codec Compatibility

In this primer, we explain interconnect standards, why so few codecs can connect easily, and how to set your gear up to work with codecs from other brands.

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Jul 11

An Overview of VoIP Technology, How It Works, and How to Use It

ISDN and POTS lines are becoming relics of the past. What’s taking their place? Voice Over IP (VoIP) – download this primer to learn more!

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