The Comrex Switchboard Traversal Server will be down for an hour on Wednesday, July 17th for scheduled maintenance. Target time is 10:00AM EDT (UTC-2:00PM). Please contact our tech support team for any assistance.

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Press Kit
Nov 15

Cut Through Networking Snags with Switchboard

SwitchBoard makes connections between Comrex IP codecs easier by bypassing common IP networking snags via a private server. Learn more.

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Oct 25

It’s Community Media Month

We’re big believers in live & local programming, which is why there’s a special place in our hearts for community media.

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Jun 05

You bought a Comrex. Now what?

Congratulations on your new Comrex gear! While you’re getting set up, there are a few steps you should take to set up your equipment.

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Aug 16

Live from the Sidelines with ACCESS NX

There’s no room for error in live sports broadcasting.

Click to read testimonials from three Comrex customers that have taken their remotes to the next level with ACCESS NX Portable.

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Aug 08

For Podcasts, Opal Brings Your Guests to You

Podcasters can’t always be in the same room as their guests, but they should sound like they are. Enter Opal.

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Aug 07

Tom’s Tech Blog: Introduction to Opal Cloud

Tom Hartnett, the technical director of Comrex, introduces Opal Cloud – a future offering to make Opal configuration even easier.

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Jul 27

Tom’s Tech Blog: Back Up Dedicated Audio Links with HotSwap

Tom Hartnett, the technical director of Comrex, introduces HotSwap – a new reliability feature of Comrex audio codecs.

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Oct 04

When All Else Fails, College Radio Speaks

Comrex celebrates College Radio Day 2018! College radio is where so many broadcasters get their start, and we’re proud to sponsor this event.

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May 24

Broadcast Reliable Is Our Motto

We’ve developed tools to ensure that your broadcast stays solid, even if your networks don’t. Learn about CrossLock, the technology behind Comrex codecs!

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May 22

Critical Opal Firmware Update (May 2018)

We’ve release a critical firmware update for Opal and you need to download it immediately. Here’s why.

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