Adam Epstein is a local sports radio host working in Richmond, VA on WRNL 910 The Fan. He hosts a 12PM – 3PM slot every weekday locally in Richmond, as well as a Saturday morning show in Washington, D.C. Epstein also handles VCU basketball coverage including pre- and post-game shows live from the stadium. 

courtside pic provided by Adam Epstein

Adam Epstein (Awadd) of WRNL 910 the fan’s Awadd Radio courtside at the 2024 A10 men’s basketball championships in Brooklyn, NY.

Prior to June of 2022, Epstein didn’t have access to a good solution for producing high quality remote sports coverage. “Several times we tried to use Zoom or traditional phone calls, but the quality was too poor to go out on the air,” he said. “If I had to do something that sounded like a remote, I’d have to pre-record the segment in the studio, and pretend I was live.” 

Getting a Comrex ACCESS NX opened up a lot of new opportunities, both for programming and for revenue. “Now, if the sales team can sell an on-location show, I know I can reliably do it with no problems.” For the majority of his broadcasts, Epstein uses MiFi, and has also taken advantage of Ethernet connections when necessary. “We do our Monday show and our Friday show from a bar and a bowling alley respectively, and that’s helped us make more revenue.”

Learning how to use ACCESS NX was easy for Epstein. “The touch-screen was very self explanatory,” he said. “I had one 20-minute meeting with my engineer to set up the WiFi connection and talk about access points. Since then, it’s been easy and I haven’t had to do any troubleshooting. I just turn it on, connect to my MiFi, and then connect to the station.”

ACCESS NX has also made Epstein’s college basketball coverage more comprehensive and exciting. “I can go to any game now,” Epstein said. “Whereas before, I had to stay in the studio, now I can travel because I know I have a reliable connection to do the pre- and post-game shows.” 

radio row pic provided by Adam Epstein

Adam Epstein (Awadd) of WRNL 910 The Fan’s Awadd Radio broadcast live from radio row interviewing NFL Agent Sean Stellato at the 2024 Super Bowl media week in Las Vegas.

The ability to travel has opened up other opportunities as well. “Last year, we were lucky enough to take a trip to Vegas to be on Radio Row for the Super Bowl,” Epstein said. “We did five live shows that week, and had a ton of celebrity guests and superstar ex-NFL players come through. All we needed was the Comrex unit and two headsets. It was the best trip I’ve taken.”

ACCESS NX has also improved Epstein’s quality of life. “I do a Saturday show on 106.7 The Fan in Washington D.C., and I used to have to either go into the Richmond studio or all the way to D.C. to do it,” he said. “With the Comrex, however, I can do my Saturday show from my house.” 

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Originally published in Radio World. View here.