Comrex will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2nd for Labor Day. Tech support will not be available during the holiday. Please contact the techies ASAP if you require assistance by dialing 1-978-784-1776 or by emailing Thank you!


  • Broadcast Supply Worldwide logo
  • Burst logo
  • Society of Broadcast Engineers logo
Thank you to our host, KSE Radio! This event will be located at:

720 S. Colorado Boulevard, Suite 1200 N, Denver, CO 80246

Join us from 5:00pm to 8:00pm to see our new broadcast products, enjoy some good food from Ragin’ Hog BBQ, and snag some of our classic Comrex swag.

We’ll be showcasing:

  • ACCESS NX Portable – an innovative IP audio codec for the future
  • Opal – a revolutionary audio gateway for easy guest interviews
  • LiveShot – a two-way IP video codec for live wireless newsgathering

Let us know if you can attend so we can make sure to have enough food. Plus – RSVP by Friday, October 20th and ATTEND to receive a FREE Amazon Echo Dot.